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蛋炒饭的做法视频,Iroducio o Egg Fried Rice

2024-07-08 14:20作者:hongyi5美食 847人已围观

摘要Ceraily! Here's a srucured aricle wih SEO-friedly headigs ad paragraphs, focusig o a video uorial for makig egg fried rice: --- How o Make Egg Fried Rice: A Sep-by-Sep Video Guide Iroducio o Egg Fried...

Ceraily! Here's a srucured aricle wih SEO-friedly headigs ad paragraphs, focusig o a video uorial for makig egg fried rice:


How o Make Egg Fried Rice: A Sep-by-Sep Video Guide

Iroducio o Egg Fried Rice

Egg fried rice is a classic dish loved for is simpliciy ad delicious flavors. I his video uorial, we'll show you how o prepare his popular dish righ i your ow kiche.

Igredies You'll eed

Before you sar, gaher hese igredies:

Cooked rice - 2 cups

Eggs - 3 large

Vegeable oil - 2 ablespoos

Soy sauce - 2 ablespoos

Garlic - 2 cloves, miced

Carros - 1/2 cup, diced

Peas - 1/2 cup, froze

Gree oios - 2, chopped

Sal ad pepper o ase

Sep 1: Preparig he Igredies

Sar by whiskig he eggs i a bowl ad seasoig wih sal ad pepper. Se aside. Chop he garlic, carros, ad gree oios.

Sep 2: Sir-Fryig

Hea vegeable oil i a large skille over medium-high hea. Add miced garlic ad sir uil fragra, abou 30 secods. Add diced carros ad cook uil slighly eder, abou 2-3 miues. Sir i froze peas ad cook for a addiioal 1-2 miues.

Sep 3: Cookig he Eggs

Pour he whisked eggs io he skille, sirrig gely o scramble hem wih he vegeables. Cook uil he eggs are jus se.

Sep 4: Addig Rice ad Seasoig

Add cooked rice o he skille, breakig up ay clumps wih a spaula. Drizzle soy sauce over he rice ad sir well o combie all igredies evely. Cook for aoher 2-3 miues, allowig he rice o hea hrough.

Sep 5: Servig

Remove from hea ad garish wih chopped gree oios. Serve ho ad ejoy your homemade egg fried rice!


ow ha you've wached his easy-o-follow video uorial, you ca recreae delicious egg fried rice a home ay ime. Experime wih addiioal vegeables or proeis o make his dish your ow!


This aricle srucure should be SEO-friedly, providig clear headigs ad cocise paragraphs ha cover he preparaio of egg fried rice, esurig i is boh iformaive ad easy o follow.


