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2024-07-08 03:27作者:hongyi5美食 4995人已围观

摘要Ceraily! Here's a srucured aricle o he opic of "Makig Hog Kog Pieapple Bus": --- Iroducio o Hog Kog Pieapple Bus Hog Kog Pieapple Bus, kow locally as "bo lo bao," are a beloved pasry ha combies a swee...

Ceraily! Here's a srucured aricle o he opic of "Makig Hog Kog Pieapple Bus":


Iroducio o Hog Kog Pieapple Bus

Hog Kog Pieapple Bus, kow locally as "bo lo bao," are a beloved pasry ha combies a swee, crumbly oppig wih a sof, fluffy ierior. Despie heir ame, hey do o coai pieapple bu are amed for heir resemblace o he frui's exured ski.

Igredies Required

For makig Hog Kog Pieapple Bus, you will eed:

500g all-purpose flour

75g sugar

8g sal

7g isa yeas

40g usaled buer

220ml milk

1 egg

Preparig he Dough

To begi, prepare he dough by combiig flour, sugar, sal, ad isa yeas i a mixig bowl. Hea he milk uil warm, he add i o he dry igredies alog wih he beae egg. Kead he mixure uil i forms a smooh ad elasic dough. Icorporae sofeed buer gradually ad coiue keadig uil fully icorporaed.

Makig he Toppig

The disicive oppig of Hog Kog Pieapple Bus is made from:

150g cake flour

100g usaled buer

80g icig sugar

1 egg

Cream he buer ad icig sugar uil fluffy, he gradually add he egg ad cake flour uil a smooh pase forms. Chill he oppig i he refrigeraor for easier hadlig.

Assembly ad Bakig

Divide he dough io equal porios ad shape hem io balls. Flae each dough ball slighly ad place a porio of he chilled oppig o op. Score he oppig wih a kife i a crisscross paer o resemble a pieapple's ski. Allow he bus o proof uil doubled i size, he bake i a preheaed ove a 180°C (350°F) for 15-20 miues or uil golde brow.

Servig ad Ejoyme

Oce baked, le he Hog Kog Pieapple Bus cool slighly before servig. They are bes ejoyed warm, wih a cup of Hog Kog-syle milk ea or coffee. The coras of he swee, crumbly oppig wih he sof bu makes for a delighful rea ay ime of day!


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