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2024-09-14 16:43来源:网络本地 0人已围观



1. Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?(对不起,最近的公交车站在哪里?)

2. Can you recommend a good restaurant?(你能推荐一家好的餐厅吗?)

3. How much does this ticket cost?(这张票多少钱?)

4. I would like to book a room for two nights.(我想预订一个两晚的房间。)

5. What time does the tour start?(这个旅游团什么时候开始?)

6. Do you have any tours on Saturdays?(你们周六有旅游团吗?)

7. Can you tell me about the history of this place?(你能告诉我这个地方的历史吗?)

8. Is it possible to rent a bike here?(在这里可以租自行车吗?)

9. What are the opening hours of this museum?(这个博物馆的开放时间是什么?)

10. How far is the beach from here?(从这里到海滩有多远?)

11. Can you recommend a good souvenir shop?(你能推荐一家好的纪念品店吗?)

12. What is the best way to get to the airport?(去机场最好的方式是什么?)

13. Can you help me with my luggage?(你能帮我拿行李吗?)

14. Is it possible to change money here?(在这里可以换钱吗?)

15. What is the local currency like?(当地的货币怎么样?)

16. Are there any ATMs nearby?(附近有自动取款机吗?)

17. What kind of food do they serve at this restaurant?(这家餐厅供应什么样的食物?)

18. Is it safe to drink the tap water here?(这里的自来水安全吗?)

19. Can you recommend a good hotel in this area?(你能推荐这个地区一家好的酒店吗?)

20. How long does it take to get from here to the city center?(从这里到市中心需要多长时间?)

21. What are the main attractions in this city?(这个城市的主要景点是什么?)

22. Can you tell me about the local customs and traditions?(你能告诉我当地的习俗和传统吗?)

23. What is the best time of year to visit this place?(这个地方最好的旅游时间是什么时候?)

24. Are there any festivals or events happening during my stay here
