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2024-07-11 03:10来源:网络本地 0人已围观

摘要Ceraily! Here's a aricle srucured wih headigs ad paragraphs, focusig o "How o Chage Your Baidu Accou Userame": --- Iroducio Chagig your Baidu accou userame is a sraighforward process ha allows you o u...

Ceraily! Here's a aricle srucured wih headigs ad paragraphs, focusig o "How o Chage Your Baidu Accou Userame":



Chagig your Baidu accou userame is a sraighforward process ha allows you o updae your olie ideiy. Wheher you eed a more professioal userame or simply wa a chage, Baidu provides a easy way o modify his iformaio.

Sep 1: Log io Your Baidu Accou

The firs sep i chagig your Baidu accou userame is o log io your accou. Visi Baidu's official websie ad eer your curre credeials o access your accou dashboard.

Sep 2: avigae o Accou Seigs

Oce logged i, locae ad click o he seigs ico or your profile picure. This should ope a dropdow meu where you ca fid he "Accou Seigs" opio. Click o i o proceed.

Sep 3: Selec "Userame"

I he Accou Seigs meu, look for he opio labeled "Userame" or "Accou Iformaio." Click o his opio o eer he secio where you ca modify your userame.

Sep 4: Eer Your ew Userame

ow, you'll see your curre userame displayed alog wih a field o ipu a ew oe. Carefully ype i he ew userame you desire. Make sure i mees Baidu's userame requiremes, which ypically iclude legh ad characer resricios.

Sep 5: Save Chages

Afer eerig your ew userame, review i o esure accuracy. Oce you are saisfied, look for a "Save Chages" buo or similar opio a he boom of he page. Click o i o fialize ad save your ew userame.

Sep 6: Cofirmaio

Baidu may require you o cofirm your chages hrough a email or SMS verificaio. Follow he isrucios provided by Baidu o verify your ew userame successfully.


Cograulaios! You have successfully chaged your Baidu accou userame. Remember, your ew userame will ow be used wheever you log io Baidu or ierac wih is services. Ejoy usig your updaed ideiy!


This srucured forma esures he aricle is search egie opimized wih clear headigs ad paragraphs, makig i easy for users o fid ad udersad he seps o chage heir Baidu accou userame.
