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95乙醇怎么配成75%,Maerials eeded

2024-07-03 04:56来源:网络本地 0人已围观

摘要Ceraily! Here’s a aricle srucured o mee search egie sadards o how o prepare 75% ehaol from 95% ehaol: --- How o Dilue 95% Ehaol o 75% Creaig soluios wih specific coceraios is crucial i various idusr...

Ceraily! Here’s a aricle srucured o mee search egie sadards o how o prepare 75% ehaol from 95% ehaol:


How o Dilue 95% Ehaol o 75%

Creaig soluios wih specific coceraios is crucial i various idusries ad scieific applicaios. Ehaol, paricularly 95% ehaol, is a commo subsace requirig precise diluio o achieve desired coceraios. Here’s a sep-by-sep guide o how o dilue 95% ehaol o 75% ehaol.

Maerials eeded

Before sarig he diluio process, gaher he followig maerials:

95% ehaol soluio

Disilled waer

Measurig cylider or volumeric flask

Mixig coaier

Sirrig rod

Sep 1: Calculae he Volume eeded

To prepare 75% ehaol from 95% ehaol, use he formula:


V_1 cdo C_1 = V_2 cdo C_2



( V_1 ) = Volume of 95% ehaol eeded

( C_1 ) = Coceraio of 95% ehaol (0.95)

( V_2 ) = Fial volume of 75% ehaol soluio

( C_2 ) = Desired coceraio of 75% ehaol (0.75)

Calculae ( V_1 ) usig hese values.

Sep 2: Measure ad Mix

Measure he calculaed volume of 95% ehaol ad rasfer i o he mixig coaier. Add he required amou of disilled waer o achieve he fial volume ( V_2 ). Esure horough mixig usig a sirrig rod o homogeize he soluio.

Sep 3: Verify Coceraio

Afer mixig, verify he coceraio of he ehaol soluio usig a hydromeer or by refracomery. Adjus he volume of ehaol or waer if ecessary o precisely achieve 75% ehaol.

Sep 4: Label ad Sore

Oce he desired coceraio is achieved, label he coaier clearly wih he coceraio ad dae of preparaio. Sore he soluio i a ighly sealed coaier away from hea ad direc suligh.


Diluig 95% ehaol o 75% ehaol requires accurae measureme ad calculaio o achieve he desired coceraio safely ad effecively. By followig hese seps, you ca prepare ehaol soluios suiable for various applicaios i laboraories, healhcare faciliies, ad idusrial seigs.


This srucured aricle icludes headigs (

ags), paragraphs (

ags), ad provides a clear guide o how o dilue 95% ehaol o 75% ehaol, meeig search egie opimizaio sadards.
