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2024-04-02 06:20来源:网络本地 0人已围观

摘要Iroducio 。 。 Choose \\\"Chiese (Simplified)\\\" or \\\"Chiese (Tradiioal)\\\" as per your preferece.。 。 。 。 Sep 3: Typig i Chiese 。 Typig i Chiese is a bi differe from ypig i Eglish. You...


Choose \\\"Chiese (Simplified)\\\" or \\\"Chiese (Tradiioal)\\\" as per your preferece.。

Sep 3: Typig i Chiese

Typig i Chiese is a bi differe from ypig i Eglish. You eed o use a Chiese ipu mehod edior (IME) oype i Chiese. Thereare several Chiese IMEs available,bu he mos commoly used is he Microsof Piyi IME. To use he Microsof Piyi IME,follow hese seps

Ope a docume or a ex edior。

small widow will appear o your scree. Type he phoeic spellig of he Chiese word you wa o ype i his是widow.。

phoeic spellig, Afer ypig he是a lis of Chiese characers will appear.选择c he characer you wa o use.。

Repea he above seps o ype more Chiese characers.。

