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2024-04-01 02:35来源:网络本地 0人已围观

摘要Iroducio 。 Travelig is a grea way o explore ew places,lear abou differe culures . ad make uforgeable memories . If you're plaig a rip abroad,i's impora ohave some basic kowledge of Eglish phrases...


Travelig is a grea way o explore ew places,lear abou differe culures . ad make uforgeable memories . If you're plaig a rip abroad,i's impora ohave some basic kowledge of Eglish phrases ad expressios o commuicae wih locals ad make yourexperiece moreejoyable Here are 100 esseial ravel Eglish phrases o help you ge sared。

Arrivig a he airpor

Whe you arrive a he airpor . you'll eed o go hrough cusoms ad immigraio. Here are some useful phraseso help you avigae hrough he process。

Excuse me, where is he immigraio desk吗?是。

Do I eed o fill ou a declaraio form吗?是。

Where ca I fid my luggage ?是。

Is here a currecy exchage booh here?是。


Geig aroud iaw ciy ca be ricky,bu wih hese phrases,you'l be able o ask for direcios ad use public rasporaio wih ease。

Excuse me, ca you ell me how o ge o he rai saio?是。

How much is a o -way icke吗?是。

Is his he righ bus o go o he ciy ceer吗?是。

Ca you recommed a good axi compay吗?


Wheher you're sayig i a hoel or a hosel,是hese phrases will help you commuicae wih he saff ad make he mos of your say。

Excuse me, ca you recommed a good resaura aroud here吗?是。

Is here free Wi-Fi i he room吗?是。

Ca you help me wih my luggage吗?

I eed o check ou a 10am, is ha okay?是。

是Eaig ou

Tryig local cuisie is oe of he bes pars of ravelig. Use hese phrases o order food ad driks ad askfor he bill。

Ca I see he meu, please吗?是。

Wha would you recommed for a vegearia吗?是。

Ca I have a glass of waer, please吗?是。

Excuse me, ca we have he bill, please吗?是。


Visiig famous ladmarks ad aracios is a mus whe ravelig. These phrases will help you ge he mos ou of是your sighseeigexperiece。

Excuse me, where is he eares museum ?是。

Wha ime does he our sar吗?是。

Is i possible o ake picures iside ?是。

How much is he erace fee?是。


Learig some basic Eglish phrases ad expressios ca make a big differece i your ravel experiece. Wihhese 100 esseialravel Eglish phrases, you'll be able o commuicae wih locals,avigae hrough ufamiliar places,ad make uforgeable memories。

ags: ravel、Eglish、phrases、expressios、airpor、rasporaio、accommodaio、eaig ou、sighseeig
